5 Problems Every Girl Faces During a British Summer
We’re not gonna lie, as much as we love summer (when we actually get one in the UK) it soon gets to the point where we’re kinda wishing we could just cosy up in a chunky knit and chill on the sofa with a hot cuppa. Below is our definitive list of what we think are the top five strugs for us gals during the great British summer!
1. Hair removal dilemmas
After what feels like the longest winter in history, the sun is finally out and there’s nothing we want more than to get our pins out for some much needed bronzing before our vacay. But hold up; sadly it’s no longer acceptable that our legs resemble a forest and we’ve reached that critical point where we need to decide whether to go through the agony of a wax or make our showers extra tedious by having to constantly shave. NO THANKS. Bring. Back. Winter.


2. Jacket or no jacket?
Has there ever been a more difficult decision in the entire universe?! So you’re leaving the house and it’s absolutely scorching but let’s face it, this is Britain; obvs there’s a more than likely chance that within 20 minutes the clouds will start rolling in and we’ll be wishing we’d put more clothes on. This is a guaranteed ‘can’t win’ situation; take a jacket and carry it round all day or leave it at home and freeze to death.


3. Getting that bikini bod down
It’s that time of year where the constant struggle between wanting abs like Michelle Keegan and the voice inside your head saying ‘Treat yo’self!’ comes into play. On the one hand yes we want to look like a solid 10 in a bardot crop top but are those extra hours in the gym really worth the pain? Before you know it, the weekend has hit and you’re a large Dominos with a side of wedges down and the post-binge guilt kicks in. Diet starts Monday?


4. Tan probs
Baring more flesh can only mean one thing; it’s time to bring out the bronze. Whether that means piling on the Bondi Sands on the regs or letting nature take its course (depending on whether we ever see the sun…) there’s no excuse to let those ghost-esque legs you’ve been hiding all winter be seen by the general public. Keeping on top of tanning is one of life’s toughest missions and we think we can safely say we’d rather miss a week’s worth of Love Island than deal with those pesky tan lines.


5. Make-up sweats
If, like us, the thought of leaving the house without your full face of make-up on fills you with fear then summer is literally the worst. One minute your contouring is bang on point and the next you’ve got major panda eyes and your foundation is sliding all over your face. Is this the lesser of two evils or do we go through the agonising trauma of toning it down with a tinted moisturiser?! SEND HELP.


Have these struggles ever been real for you? Let us know by tweeting us @rtsherlockinc. Remember, that come rain or shine, we’ve always got your back with our gorge selection of styles so shop the full collection today!